July 24, 2021Fashion
Jan-Jan Van Essche – SUNU AW21
The new collection from Jan-Jan Van Essche has arrived in store. Watch the short movie by Ramy Mohram Fouad presenting the collection. The poetic short movie with a choreography by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui will let you experience the clothing in motion and reveal all aspects of Jan-Jan Van Essche's unconventional and precise way of designing pieces that are made to be worn every day by anyone. We are more then happy to welcome you in store soon to discover the minimalistic yet sophisticated pieces of the SUNU collection.
Jan-Jan Van Essche - @janjanvanessche #janjanvanessche
Ramy Moharam Fouad - @ramymfouad
Jordan Van Schel - @jordanvanschel
Willem Ardui - @willem_ardui
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui - @sidilarbicherkaoui
Petrosolaum - @petrosolaum